Information on Contract Awarded
Name of Project: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project ID: P165405
Bid/Contract Description: Laptops, USB external memory, External Hard Drive, Microphone, Wireless Headphones, Mouse, WIFI MOUSE, Bags for laptop, 4K SMART TV for presentations and conference room
Reference No: AFBEEP-P165405-RFQ-06-G-20-FBIH
Contract Award Date: 05.02.2021.
Duration of Contract: 30 days
Awarded Bidder
Name: Katarina doo
Address: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 44.677,34 KM
Evaluated Bid Price: 44.677,34 KM
Contract Price: 44.677,34 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: Hetronic doo
Address: Grude, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 51.374,23 KM
Evaluated bid price: 51.374,23 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Address: Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 51.345,92 KM
Evaluated bid price: 51.345,92 KM