Information on Contract Awarded
Bid/Contract Reference No: BEEP-P143580-SH-48-G-19-FBIH
Scope of Contract: Supply, delivery and installation of the Equipment for remote reading of heat energy meters in a wired M-bus system and Application Software for centralized data reading, storage and management
Duration of Contract: 60 days
Awarded Bidder
Name: Metering doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 72.878,13 KM
Evaluated Bid Price: 72.878,13 KM
Contract Price: 72.878,13 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: nLogic doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 113.667,84 KM
Evaluated bid price: 113.667,84 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: Nitesco doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 96.747,30 KM
Evaluated bid price: 96.747,30 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: THM doo
Address: Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 203.281,65 KM
Evaluated bid price: 203.281,65 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: Vms group doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 144.155,70 KM
Evaluated bid price: 144.155,70 KM