Information on Contract Awarded
Project Name: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BEEP)
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project Number: P165405
Name and address of Client: Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo
Awarded Firm: Ceteor d.o.o.
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contract signature date: 07.07.2023.
Method of Procurement/Selection: Consultant Qualification Selection method
Price: 409.420,44 BAM
Duration: 7 months
Summary scope of contract: Provision of consulting services related to the development of Study of alternative heating systems in buildings in FBiH, Ref. No. BEEPAF-P165405-CQ-45-CS-23-FBiH