Project Name: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BEEP)
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project Number: P165405
Name and address of Client: Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo
Awarded Firm: JV Urbis doo and Zagrebinspekt doo
Address: Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contract signature date: 15.04.2022.
Method of Procurement/Selection: Consultant Qualification Selection method
Price: 483.423 KM
Duration: 3,5 months
Summary scope of contract: Stocktaking of all public buildings owned by Federal and Cantonal Governments in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and development of a digital map-based platform to capture and visually present data on location of all identified buildings, and supplemented with data on the public buildings needs for the energy efficiency, Ref. No BEEPAF-P165405-CQ-34-CS-21-FBIH