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Information on Contract Awarded – BEEPAF-P165405-CQ-43-CS-23-FBiH


Information on Contract Awarded


Project Name: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BEEP)

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Number: P165405

Name and address of Client: Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo


Awarded Firm: Enova d.o.o.

Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contract signature date: 30.06.2023.

Method of Procurement/Selection: Consultant Qualification Selection method

Price: 199.473,30 BAM

Duration: 6 months

Summary scope of contract: Provision of consulting services related to drafting the amendments and additions to the Regulation on conducting energy audits and issuing energy certificates and to the Rulebook on minimum requirements for the energy characteristics of buildings, Ref. No. BEEPAF-P165405-CQ-43-CS-23-FBiH