Name of Project: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project ID: P165405
Purchaser: Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo
Bid/Contract Equipment for measuring the heat energy consumption and internal and external temperatures and Equipment for remote reading of meters in a wired M-bus system
Reference No: BEEPAF-P165405-RFQ-09-G-21-FBIH
Procurement method: Request for Quotations
Contract Award Date: 21.10.2021.
Duration of Contract: 45 days
Awarded Bidder
Name: Metering doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 39.808,10 KM
Evaluated Bid Price: 39.808,10 KM
Contract Price: 39.808,10 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: VmS group doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 48.278,88 KM
Evaluated bid price: 48.278,88 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: Electra doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 51.105,60 KM
Evaluated bid price: 51.152,40 KM