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Information on Contract Awarded – UNDP/GCF- BiH10/00103203-CQ-07-CS-23-FBIH


Information on Contract Awarded


Project Name: “Scaling-up Investment in Low Carbon Public Buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ funded by Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina  (UNDP BiH)

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Number: BiH10/00103203

Name and address of Client: Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hamdije Čemerlića 2, Sarajevo


Awarded Firm: Enova doo

Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contract signature date: 23.06.2023.

Method of Procurement/Selection: Consultant Qualification Selection method

Price: 71.457,75 KM

Duration: 12 months

Summary scope of contract: Consultancy services performing audit of project documentation, Ref. No. UNDP/GCF- BiH10/00103203-CQ-07-CS-23-FBIH