Author: Nijaz Mušanović
IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENABLING ENVIRONMENT IN PUBLIC BUILDING SECTOR IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA MINSTRY OF SPATIAL PLANNING OF FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Second International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings “The Importance of Implementing the Building Renovation Strategy (BRS) of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by 2050“ February…
Recognizing the importance of energy efficiency in the process of decarbonization of the building sector, the Ministry of Spatial Planning of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS), invites all interested authors to submit the scientific papers on the…
Information on Contract Awarded Project Name: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BEEP) Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Project Number: P165405 Awarded Firm: JV Enova doo Sarajevo and Saraj inženjering doo Sarajevo Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Contract signature date: 03.03.2021. Method of Procurement/Selection:…
Information on Contracts Awarded Project Name: Additional Financing for the Energy Efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BEEP) Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Project Number: P165405 Awarded Firm: JV Euroing Ltd. Bihać, BiH and Karres Technisches Büro Ltd. Salzburg, Austria Address: Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina Contract signature date: 03.03.2021.…