• B/H/S
  • ENG

The general part of the exam is the same for all candidates taking the exam according to this Rulebook.


The programme of the general part of the exam includes:

  1. Foundations of the constitutional set-up of BiH;
  2. Foundations of the constitutional set-up of the Federation BiH;
  3. Law on Physical Planning and Utilisation of Land at the Level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  4. Labour relations;
  5. Foundations of the administrative procedure and administrative disputes
  6. Foundations of office management.



  1. Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  2. Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, published in the Official Journal of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no. 1/94;
  3. Law on Federal Ministries and other bodies of the Federal Administration (58/02, 19/03, 38/05, 2/06, 8/06 and 61/06;
  4. Labour Law;
  5. Law on Organization of Administration Bodies in FBiH;
  6. Law on Administrative Procedure (Official Gazette of the Federation BiH, no. 2/98);
  7. Law on Administrative Disputes;
  8. Decree on office management in administrative bodies and organisations (30/98);
  9. Law on Archival Material and the Archiving Service;
  10. Law on Certification of Signatures, Manuscripts and Copies;
  11. Law on stamps (2/94);
  12. Law on Physical Planning and Utilisation of Land at the Level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation BiH, no. 2/06, 72/07, 32/08, 4/10, 13/10 and 45/10).