Reference No.: BEEPAF-P165405-CQ-11-CS-20-FBIH
- Background:
The Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) has recognized the importance of energy efficiency (EE) to support sustainable economic growth and move towards EU accession and has received financing for the Additional Financing for the Bosnia and Herzegovina Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) credit funds. The project development objective is to demonstrate the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public sector buildings and support the development of scalable energy efficiency financing models. The AF BEEP became effective March 2020.
The project is supported by a US$32 million IBRD credit for BH, which is made available to the two entities, with US$ 19.23 million allocated to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH). The project consists of three components implemented separately in each entity:
Component 1: Energy efficiency investments in public facilities
Component 2: Support for the development of scalable financing mechanisms and capacity building
Component 3: Project Management
The project implementation unit (PIU) established within the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) is responsible for the preparation, coordination, management and implementation of the project in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including procurement, contracting, and payments of all goods, works and services related to the project.
- Objectives
The Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) as the Client will contract the Consultant(s), who will perform a technical assistance for Social Monitoring and Evaluation (SM&E) related to the outcomes achieved through implementation of the energy efficiency works of selected buildings from the annual list prepared by the PIU and adopted by Project Steering Committee (PSC). The Social Monitoring, including inter alia surveys conducted before and after retrofits should cover a sample of the total number of buildings to be financed through the AF BEEP including 16 buildings) in a period up to 4 (four) years. The selected sample of buildings should be representative in terms of: use, number/type of users, climatic conditions and geographical location. Beside Social Monitoring that includes satisfaction and awareness surveys, the Consultant(s) will also design and perform two performance evaluations (mid-term and exit). The Social Monitoring and the Performance Evaluations are independent tasks
The mid-term evaluation, intended to assess the AF BEEP’s obstacles and lessons learned from the first two years of the Project implementation, implementation progress towards specified results, and to provide recommendations on the operational logic and implementation processes adjustments, if needed. The mid-term performance evaluation will identify immediate consequences produced by the project after the second year of its implementation, such as demonstration effect of energy efficiency improvements, identification of reforms needed for improvement of the BiH energy financial sector and is the Project on the right track to ensure scalability of energy efficiency financial models in BiH,
The Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) will use evaluation findings, conclusions, and recommendations to reassess the achievements of the Project and readjust the Project implementation, if needed.
The exit performance evaluation will be conducted at the end of the project, in order to:
- assess the Project’s implementation performance against the stated deliverables and expected results;
- provide recommendations based on the lessons learned from BEEP to inform the design of a potential new intervention.
The data for the performance evaluations will be collected through:
- BEEP’s design and implementation documentation and databases, including annual reports, M&E documentation;
- Secondary documentation relevant to BEEP, such as documentation from the international organizations, as well as relevant documentation from relevant BiH government/public institutions;
- Up to 50 semi-structured key informant interviews:
- Focus groups and online survey (optional)
The Consultant is expected to design detailed work plans for the two performance evaluations (mid-term and exit). that will at minimum describe:
- The major evaluation issue or question
- The general evaluation approaches
- Specific questions and sub-questions
- The operationalization (measures or indicators), data sources and methodological strategies for the type of data collection to be used
- The analysis planned
- The dissemination strategy
Performance evaluations should provide an insight into following: how the project has been implemented against the assumed operational logic; what are the project’s achieved results related to improved energy efficiency in the public sector buildings, increased scale of the energy efficiency financing models, identification of reforms needed to improve the BiH’s energy financial sector, and contribution of the Project to increase of the overall level of energy efficiency in BiH; how it is perceived and valued by the beneficiaries and stakeholders; and other questions that are pertinent to design, management, and operational decision-making. The intention is to provide information that is credible and useful, enabling lessons learned to be incorporated into the decision-making process of PIU/FMPP. Evaluation should take a broader view of an intervention asking if progress toward the target of explicit results is caused by the intervention or there is some other explanation.
The Consultant(s) will refer to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) for all issues that could appear in the execution of the task, and for decisions that would have to be made in reference to the present contract. Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) will be considered as the Client, even if some actions and/or decisions will have to be coordinated with the relevant Ministries and with the local administration, schools, hospitals, Cantons and Municipalities.
Social Monitoring should be designed in way to clearly indicate:
- The level of indoor comfort and end users’ satisfaction improvement (heating, noise, lightening, overall comfort) considering the views of the following male and female end-users:
- In Hospitals: doctors, professional staff, administrative staff, technical staff, patients;
- In Schools: teachers, administrative staff, technical staff, students;
- In other buildings: employees, service users;
- The level of awareness of energy efficiency and related issues raised;
- The level of subjective attitudes toward positive changes in behavioral pattern change;
This work should allow to compare changes ‘pre-implementation’ (i.e., before the works on energy efficiency measures are carried out) and ‘post-implementation’ (i.e., after the works on energy efficiency measures are carried out).
Performance evaluations (mid-term and exit) should be designed in way to clearly indicate:
- The major evaluation issue or question
- The general evaluation approach
- Specific questions and sub-questions
- The operationalization (measures or indicators), data sources and methodological strategies for the type of data collection to be used
- The analysis planned
- The dissemination strategy
Performance evaluations should provide an insight into following: what a particular project or program has achieved (at any point during or after implementation); how it is being implemented; how it is perceived and valued; whether expected results are occurring; and other questions that are pertinent to design, management, and operational decision-making. The intention is to provide information that is credible and useful, enabling lessons learned to be incorporated into the decision-making process of PIU/FMPP. Evaluation should take a broader view of an intervention asking if progress toward the target of explicit results is caused by the intervention or there is some other explanation.
The following overall evaluations questions are likely to address specific demands for information related to the following broad areas of inquiry:
- Have the right things been done? ( relevance, effectiveness)
- Have things been done well? (efficiency, effectiveness)
- What results have been achieved? (effectiveness, impact, cost/effectiveness)
- How do the results compare with an alternative intervention to achieve the same objective? (relative effectiveness, impact, cost/effectiveness)
- How could things be done better in the future?
- Are the results sustainable?
The tentative set of evaluation questions have been drafted and are included with this ToR (Annex 1). This annex also includes the draft list of key informants/stakeholder. The Consultant(s) should amend, develop and complete specific evaluation questions as part of the Evaluation Design and Work Plan.
- Description and Scope of Services:
The Consultant will be responsible for the following:
- Social Monitoring
- Design, execute and analyze surveys designed to systematically measure the social effect of project activities. As part of this assignment the Consultant is responsible for:
- Suggested methodology on survey development and analysis mentioned in Output/Deliverables The methodology will include, but not be limited to: definition of research objectives and target groups (by age, gender, income, education level, etc.); determining the data to be collected in each sample public building in respect of indoor comfort, users’ satisfaction, level of energy efficiency awareness and understanding etc.; definition of research tools; defining type of questions and answer options; research design; setting indicators; defining sampling model; recommending the data collection approach; defining a model of data processing and analyzing; and defining the reporting format. With respect to research design, the Consultant will develop a methodology for the survey design that combines the use of survey interviews with in-depth interviews. The Consultant should propose a methodology in the inception report. Before commencing field work, the methodology will be approved by the PIU of FMPP
- Identification of project beneficiaries as potential participants in the end-users satisfaction surveys and awareness surveys in the local community (ensuring representation of relevant target groups, such as the elderly, minorities as appropriate). The selection must include criteria to ensure gender and age balance.
- Development of a quantified and measurable baseline of perceptions regarding energy efficiency of key stakeholders identified in (a) above. The baseline should represent the existing social attitudes and perceptions that are barriers that are to be overcome if the Government is to meet the objectives of the Project and should also allow to present results disaggregated by gender, age, income, education, profession, urban/rural residence
- Development and execution of a plan to measure changes in perceptions at key milestones during the Project, which are expected to follow closely the Project’s physical investment plan (i.e. baseline data collected and analyzed prior to physical investment and after physical investment);
- Preparation of a baseline and exit satisfaction and awareness surveys
- Preparation of a final report on the social impact of the project.
- Performance Evaluation
- Design and execute mid-term and exit performance evaluation to systematically assess an ongoing and completed intervention. As part of this assignment the Consultant(s) is responsible for:
- Front end analysis should answer important questions about the evaluation, including timing, identifying stakeholder, resources, design, program theory and logic, and existing knowledge
- Developing evaluation questions and design matrix
- Selecting design for different evaluation questions
- Selecting and constructing data collection instruments
- Choosing the sampling strategy
- Planning for and conducting data analysis
- Managing and conducting evaluation
- Presenting results
- Preparing periodic reports as needed
As requested by PIU/FMPP the Consultant(s) should prepare different period reports as needed for different type of stakeholders.
- Output/Deliverables:
I. Social Monitoring
Report No | Deliverables | Recipient | Deadline |
1 | Draft Survey and Questionnaire Design | FMPP | Contract signing + 20 days |
2 | Inception Report including Final Methodology and Social Monitoring Plan (SMP) | FMPP | Contract signing + 1 month |
3 | Field Survey Report (FSR) for each visited building [to be determined later] before and after investment, which will include, but not be limited to: sample type, number of respondents, initial findings etc. | FMPP | Contract signing + 2 months
Contract signing + 1 month after works completion (preferably in winter season) |
4 | Draft Social Monitoring & Evaluation (Social Monitoring) Report, summarizing outputs/deliverables 2&3, findings of quantitative and qualitative analysis, statistical annexes etc | FMPP | Contract signing + 1 month after acceptance of report 3 |
5 | Final Social Monitoring Report | FMPP | Contract signing + 1 month after acceptance of report 4 |
Output 1 – Draft Survey and Questionnaire Design: Before the start of Social Monitoring the Consultant will ensure understanding of the research required through discussions with the representative of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) and make a review of relevant background materials. The discussions, ahead of preparing the Inception Report, will include:
- survey design issues (goals of the research, ultimate use of the results, research approach (cross-sectional, longitudinal)
- survey instrument to use (e.g., self-complete questionnaire, interview, focus groups, etc.)
- survey administration (e.g., telephone, mail, personal interview, group)
- kind of respondents being targeted (ordinary citizens, beneficiaries/ communities of service users, “qualified respondents”, i.e. professionals, public officials etc.)
- sample design issues (sample frame, weighting, repetition in future);
To deliver Output 1, the Consultant will draft and submit for approval of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP):
- survey design, including the use of focus groups results to feed into survey questionnaire
- sample design
- questionnaire design
- description of fieldwork
- standard report formats
- agreed number and scale of additional custom reports
Output 2 – Inception Report: At the time of inception report agree with the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) sampling procedure, the maximum number and the actual sites, to the extent possible. The sampling size will cover 25% of the total number of buildings to be financed through the AF BEEP in a period up to 4 (four) years. Incorporation of factors, such us climatic and geographical conditions are obligatory.
To deliver Output 2, the Consultant will conduct the following:
- Revise the survey design, building sample design, target groups, questionnaire design, planned fieldwork (i..e, Fieldwork Plan) and reporting format as required
- Conduct a pre-test of the survey, incorporate findings into survey instrument and method as required
- Finalize an Inception Report, taking into consideration the findings of the pre-test and attaching the Final Methodology and Social Monitoring Plan.
Output 3 – Field Survey Reports (for each visited building before and after investment): To deliver Output 3, the Consultant will do the following:
- Conduct the survey according to agreed Fieldwork Plan
- Provide Field Survey Reports of the conduct of the survey for each visited building (before and after investment), including ad hoc adjustments to the sample design or the fieldwork (using focus groups to identify possible emerging issues)
- Provide an option for the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) staff to monitor the survey on site
- Survey results will be exported into MS Excel files to allow cross-tabulations of any selection of questions.
- Provide a summary cross-tabulation of all questions by a selection variables of interest (“banner summary”) before beginning work on the draft report
Output 4 – Draft Social Monitoring Report: To deliver Output 4, the Consultant will:
- Prepare a draft SM&E Report of the overall results of the survey, the draft SM&E report will include:
- summary of the methods used including sample design, blank questionnaire, and fieldwork
- interpretations, qualitative analyze of the results of the survey
- interpretations, quantitative results of the survey, including a section with gender, age, income, education-disaggregated data and analysis. Level of statistical correlation between answers and these dimensions should be reported
- Revise the draft report after consultation with the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP)
Note: Beyond data description, all findings (quantitative and quantitative) must be interpreted in line with the objectives of this Social Monitoring.
Output 5 – Final Social Monitoring Report: To deliver Output 5, the Consultant will:
- Prepare and present a final Social Monitoring report, considering comments of the FMPP. The reports:
- will be prepared in local language and English; will be forwarded in both three (3) printed copies and an electronic file each suitable to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) (i.e. Microsoft Word); All statistical tables both those used in the final report and those used to present working or additional results will be forwarded as electronic files suitable to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP), in MS Excel program files.
- The database of tabulated results will be forwarded in electronic file suitable to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP), exported to MS Excel program files.
II. Performance evaluations (mid-term and exit)
Report No | Deliverables | Recipient | Deadline |
1. | Evaluation Design and Work Plan | FMPP | Contract signing + 1 month |
2 | Presentation of preliminary findings | FMPP | Contract signing + 26 months Contract signing + 45 months |
3 | Draft evaluation report | FMPP | Contract signing + 27 Contract signing + 46 months |
4 | Final evaluation report | FMPP | Contract signing + 28 months Contract signing + 47 months |
Output 1 – Evaluation Design and Work Plan
The evaluation design will include: (1) specific evaluation questions; (2) a detailed evaluation design matrix (including the key questions, methods, and data sources to address each question and the data analysis plan for each question); (3) draft questionnaires and other data collection instruments or their main features; (4) the list of potential interviewees and sites to be visited; (5) known limitations to the evaluation design (6) a dissemination plan. The work plan will also include the anticipated schedule. PIU/FMPP are asked to take up to one week to review and consolidate comments. Once the Consultant(s) receives the consolidated comments on the initial evaluation design and work plan, they are expected to return with a revised evaluation design and work plan within 5 days.
Key informant for interviews mid-term performance evaluation will commence two (2) years after the AF BEEP start date. Focus groups, online surveys and other data collection activities will be carried out during the same period.
Key informant for interviews exit performance evaluation will commence three-and-a-half years (3.5) years after the AF BEEP start date. Focus groups, online surveys and other data collection activities will be carried out during the same period.
Output 2 – Presentation of preliminary findings
Presentation of preliminary findings to PIU/FMPP shall discuss the summary of preliminary findings and recommendations to PIU/FMPP.
Output 3 – Draft evaluation report
Draft evaluation report will be consistent with the World Bank Group Evaluation Principles and will be submitted no later than 9 weeks after the start of key informant interviews. Once the initial draft evaluation report is submitted, PIU/FMPP will have 10 calendar days in which to review and comment on the initial draft, and submit the consolidated comments to the Consultant(s). The Consultant(s) will then be asked to submit a revised final draft report in 10 calendar days hence, and again the PIU/FMPP will review and send comments on this final draft report within 5 calendar days of its submission.
Output 4 – Final Evaluation report
The Consultant(s) will be asked to take no more than 10 calendar days to respond/incorporate the final comments from PIU/FMPP and submit the final report. Prepare and present a final Social Monitoring report, considering comments of the FMPP.
The final reports will be prepared in local language and English. They will be forwarded in both three (3) printed copies and an electronic file each suitable to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP) (i.e. Microsoft Word); All statistical tables both those used in the final report and those used to present working or additional results will be forwarded as electronic files suitable to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP), in MS Excel program files. The database of tabulated results will be forwarded in electronic file suitable to the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP), exported to MS Excel program files.
- Preparing periodic reports as needed
As requested by PIU/FMPP the Consultant(s) should prepare different period reports as needed for different type of stakeholders. The reports will be submitted no later than 3 calendar days after the received request.
5. Time Schedule
The Consultant is expected to start with the activities no later than September2020. with duration of approximately up to 4 (four) years.
6. Qualification requirements
Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by fulfilling following requirements:
- Company information: name, registration, address, telephone number, facsimile number, year of establishment, contact person for the project, fields of expertise;
- Details of experience in minimum three (3) similar assignments undertaken in last five (5) years including value information about the client (including contact details), assignment description, value of the contract and period of execution
- Examples of final reports for similar assignments, if publicly available.
- The Consultant will justify its capabilities through engagement of professional staff for the execution of project activities in defined timeframes, including all the necessary specialist engineers. For this purpose, the consultant will submit a CV of engineers who will work on the project. Work should be done by a consulting firm consisting of experts who have the following skills and credentials:
- The key personnel (at least four persons) of the Consultant(s) should have the following:
- Consultant for the Social Monitoring – Team Lead
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Project implementation unit (PIU), the Consultant will be responsible to carry out the following tasks:
- Lead a team of professionals in designing a survey and conducting field research to collect quantitative and qualitative data on a variety of indicators and questions;
- Draft survey design, coordinate activities, and arrange and lead a periodic team SM&E team meeting.
- Revise the survey design, building sample design, target groups, questionnaire design, planned fieldwork (i..e, Fieldwork Plan) and reporting format as required
- Conduct a pre-test of the survey, incorporate findings into survey instrument and method as required
- Finalize an Inception Report, taking into consideration the findings of the pre-test and attaching the Final Methodology and Social Monitoring Plan.
- Conduct the survey according to agreed Fieldwork Plan
- Provide Field Survey Reports of the conduct of the survey for each visited building (before and after investment), including ad hoc adjustments to the sample design or the fieldwork (using focus groups to identify possible emerging issues)
- Export survey results into MS Excel files to allow cross-tabulations of any selection of questions.
- Provide a summary cross-tabulation of all questions by a selection variable of interest (“banner summary”) before beginning work on the draft report
- Analyze social monitoring survey data to derive findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Coordinate the process of assembling the final findings and recommendations into a high quality social monitoring report.
- Draft and finalize a high-quality Social Monitoring Report.
The Consultant is expected to travel across BiH during the course of the assignment.
Required Skills, Experiences, and Competencies
- Education: Master’s degree in social sciences (i.e. psychology, sociology, statistics, economics or related field) is required;
- Experience: Ten (10) years of relevant professional experience; Experience in writing and producing reports and presentations for international donors and stakeholders;
- Expertise: Expertise designing large scale surveys of international development projects. Expertise in strong data collection tool development, data analysis and methods.
- Languages: High proficiency in official BiH languages and in English;
- Communication: Proven ability to communicate with government representatives and government institutions at different levels.
- Other requirements: Strong analytical skills; excellent computer skills; teamwork; cultural sensitivity; and ability to present complex ideas in a simple manner.
- Consultant for the Social Monitoring – Team Member
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Project implementation unit (PIU), the Consultant will be responsible to carry out the following tasks:
- Substantially contribute in designing a survey and conducting field research to collect quantitative and qualitative data on a variety of indicators and questions;
- Substantially contribute to a draft survey design;
- Substantially contribute to building sample design, selecting target groups and questionnaire design;
- Conduct a pre-test of the survey, incorporate findings into survey instrument and method as required
- Conduct the survey according to agreed Fieldwork Plan
- Substantially contribute to developing Field Survey Reports of the conduct of the survey for each visited building (before and after investment), including ad hoc adjustments to the sample design or the fieldwork (using focus groups to identify possible emerging issues)
- Export survey results into MS Excel files to allow cross-tabulations of any selection of questions.
- Provide a summary cross-tabulation of all questions by a selection variable of interest (“banner summary”) before beginning work on the draft report
- Analyze social monitoring survey data to derive findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Substantially contribute to drafting and finalizing a high-quality Social Monitoring Report.
The Consultant is expected to travel across BiH during the course of the assignment.
Required Skills, Experiences, and Competencies
- Education: Master’s degree in social sciences (i.e. psychology, sociology, statistics, economics or related field) is required;
- Experience: Three (3) years of relevant professional experience;
- Expertise: Expertise in participating in conducting large scale surveys. Expertise in strong data collection tool development, data analysis and methods.
- Languages: High proficiency in official BiH languages and in English;
- Other requirements: Strong analytical skills; excellent computer skills; teamwork; cultural sensitivity; and ability to present complex ideas in a simple manner.
- Consultant for the Performance Evaluations – Evaluation Team Lead (mid-term and exit)
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Project implementation unit (PIU), the Consultant will be responsible to carry out the following tasks:
- Develop a rigorous performance evaluation methodology, including research design, data collection methodology, and data collection instruments;
- Identify and reach relevant beneficiaries and stakeholders to be consulted within the assignment
- Conduct to high-quality data collection (key informant interviews, focus group discussions, survey)
- Conduct qualitative and quantitative data analysis
- Combine all available sources of information and formulate valid and credible findings, conclusions, and recommendations
- Draft and finalize a high-quality evidence-based evaluation reports
- Prepare and present the evaluation results to the Project implementation unit (PIU) established within the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP)
The Consultant is expected to travel across BiH during the course of the assignment.
Required Skills, Experiences, and Competencies
- Education: Master’s degree in social sciences (i.e. psychology, sociology, statistics, economics, business administration or related field) is required. Engineering degree is considered an asset. Evaluation Certification is considered an asset;
- Experience: Minimum ten years of professional experience with the international development organizations. Seven years of experience in conducting performance evaluations is required. Conducting at least five performance evaluations in the team leader capacity on the projects financed by the international development organizations. Proven experience in conducting qualitative data collection and analysis. Proven experience in organizing and leading the key informant interviews, focus groups discussions and surveys. Experience in writing and producing reports and presentations for international donors and stakeholders;
- Languages: High proficiency in official BiH languages and in English;
- Communication: Proven ability to communicate with government representatives and government institutions at different levels.
- Other requirements: Strong analytical skills; excellent computer skills; teamwork; cultural sensitivity; and ability to present complex ideas in a simple manner.
- Consultant for the Performance Evaluations – Evaluation Team Member (mid-term and exit)
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the guidance of the Evaluation Team Lead, the Consultant will be responsible to carry out the following tasks:
- Substantially contribute to development of rigorous performance evaluation methodology, including research design, data collection methodology, and data collection instruments;
- Identify and reach relevant beneficiaries and stakeholders to be consulted within the assignment;
- Logistical preparations and scheduling the key informant interviews, focus group discussions and surveys;
- Participate and substantially contribute in conducting the high-quality data collection (key informant interviews, focus group discussions, survey)
- Conduct qualitative and quantitative data analysis
- Substantially contribute to formulation of valid and credible findings, conclusions, and recommendations
- Substantially contribute to drafting a high-quality evidence-based evaluation report;
- Substantially contribute to preparation of the evaluation results to the Project implementation unit (PIU) established within the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning (FMPP)
The Consultant is expected to travel across BiH during the course of the assignment.
Required Skills, Experiences, and Competencies
- Education: Master’s degree in social sciences (i.e. psychology, sociology, statistics, economics, business administration or related field) is required. Engineering degree is considered an asset.
- Experience: Minimum three years of professional experience with the international development organizations. One year of experience in conducting performance evaluations is required. Proven experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis;
- Languages: High proficiency in official BiH languages and in English;
- Other requirements: Strong analytical skills; excellent computer skills; teamwork; cultural sensitivity; and ability to present complex ideas in a simple manner.
- If the case may be, form of association (sub-contractor or joint venture up to three members) for the execution of the contract and identification of the leading company. In the case of joint venture all members shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire assignment. Same information must be submitted for the leading company and the associate companies;
Annex 1: Draft Evaluation Questions & Draft list of key stakeholders
Draft Evaluation Questions
EQ1: To what extent has AF BEEP succeeded in measurable way in demonstrating the benefits of energy efficiency improvements in public sector buildings?
EQ2: To what extent has AF BEEP succeeded in developing and disseminating the new scalable energy efficiency financing models?
EQ3: What were the main obstacles in the implementation of the AF BEEP and how were they addressed / the lessons learned?
EQ4: How well is AF BEEP’s implementation coordinated/synchronized with other activities aimed at helping BiH increase the overall level of energy efficiency?
EQ5: Based upon the expert opinions of AF BEEP counterparts and key stakeholders, what priority reforms in the BiH energy financial sector (specifically energy efficiency area) need to be addressed?
Draft list of key stakeholders
List of key informants:
- BEEP implementer- Ministry/PIU
- Public buildings representatives
- Cantonal ministries for education, health and finance
- Project steering committee
- Companies engaged
- International Donors