Information on Contract Awarded
Bid/Contract Reference No: BEEP-P143580-SH-49-G-20-FBIH
Scope of Contract: Enterprise content management (ECM) system with Office Business Process Management (BPM) and Document Management System (DMS) software and application modules, system support hardware, employees training and documentation
Duration of Contract: 90 days
Awarded Bidder
Name: ORKA doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 44.401,50 KM
Evaluated Bid Price: 44.401,50 KM
Contract Price: 44.401,50 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: IT Systems doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 50.713,65 KM
Evaluated bid price: 50.713,65 KM
Evaluated Bidder
Name: ALEM sistem doo
Address: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bid price at bid opening: 53.211,60 KM
Evaluated bid price: 53.211,60 KM