Loan No./Credit No./TF No./Grant No. N/A
Project ID No. P165405
The Ministry of Finance and Treasury Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for financing in the amount of US$ 32 million equivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of the Additional Financing for the Bosnia and Herzegovina Energy Efficiency Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the entity Governments from two sources: Project financing will be complemented by co-financing provided (i) project reflows generated through the revolving financing models introduced for EE investments and reinvested in the form of joint co-financing with BEEP AF resources; and (ii) Value Added Tax (VAT) refunds on BEEP AF expenses, which will also be reinvested in the form of joint co-financing to the project. The estimated cost for front-end fees amounts US$ 0.08 million, with US$ 0.05 million allocated to the FBH and US$ 0.03 million to the RS.
The project will include the following components:
Component 1: EE Investments in Public Facilities (estimated costs of US$ 27.51 million IBRD loan, with US$ 16.67 million allocated to the FBH and US$ 10.84 million to the RS and estimated € 7.9 million Government co-financing through the revolving financing models for FBH and RS together). This component will support energy efficiency investments (‘subprojects’) in schools, hospitals and clinic centers. A small number of other public facilities (e.g., elderly homes, orphanages, other administrative buildings) may also be included. The component will finance energy efficiency upgrades (including building envelop measures, heating and cooling systems, lighting, upgrading of electrical network if capacity is increased, and other financially viable energy efficiency measures) as well as related technical consultancy services (e.g., energy audits, technical designs and audits, and technical monitoring and evaluation, supervision and social monitoring). This component will continue supporting EE improvements in selected public buildings, including related civil works, goods and services. The process for selecting public buildings and implementing EE investments will remain similar as under BEEP. The main change relates to the development and implementation of revolving financing models for EE investments supported under the project.
COMPONENT 2: Support for the Development of Scalable Financing Mechanisms and Capacity Building (estimated costs of US$ 2.52 million IBRD loan, with US$ 1.25 million allocated to the FBH and US$ 1.27 million to the RS). This component will build on activities implemented under BEEP and provide technical assistance aimed at: (i) supporting the development and implementation of scalable EE financing mechanisms; (ii) enhancing local market capacity and improving EE enabling environment; and (iii) strengthening public awareness on EE.
COMPONENT 3: Project Management (estimated costs of US$ 1.89 million IBRD loan, with US$ 1.23 million allocated to the FBH and US$ 0.66 million to the RS and € 0.19 million Government in-kind contribution for FBH and RS together). This component will continue providing support for effective implementation and management of the AF, including PIU staff; project-related operating costs and PIU trainings; and annual audits of project accounts.
Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016, Revised November 2017) (Procurement Regulations), and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations. After project negotiations, the World Bank shall arrange the publication on its external website of the agreed initial procurement plan and all subsequent updates once it has provided a no objection.
Specific procurement notices for contracts subject to open international competitive procurement will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business online, on the World Bank’s external website and as well as in local media or electronic portals.
Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services for the above mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address below:
Milos Jokic
Assistant Minister
RS Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: + 38751339592
Fax: +38751339653
Jasmina Mangafić
Team Leader
FBiH Ministry of Physical Planning
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: + 387 33 726 548
Fax: +387 33 726 511